Lottery – A Form of Public Fund Raising

A form of public fund raising in which numbered tickets are sold and prizes are awarded by chance. The drawing of lots to make decisions or determine fates has a long history (including several instances in the Bible) but the lottery as an arrangement for material gain is relatively recent.

Although critics of lotteries focus on a variety of concerns, the main argument centers around the alleged regressive nature of lottery revenues and their impact on lower-income people. It is also argued that lotteries encourage addictive gambling behavior by making gamblers think they are taking only a small risk and that the odds of winning are low.

Lottery officials counter that the regressive nature of the lottery is largely hidden because most of the money from ticket sales is returned to state coffers, where it can be used in a variety of ways. Some states use the money to fund support groups for problem gambling; others use it to supplement state general funds, allowing them to address budget shortfalls or to fund capital projects such as roads and bridges.

Some states also use the money to promote their lotteries. For example, some advertise that they sell the most tickets; they also sponsor sports teams and provide advertising space for their products. Approximately 186,000 retailers, including convenience stores, gas stations, bars and restaurants, and nonprofit organizations such as churches and fraternal societies, sell lottery tickets. The majority of retail outlets are located in areas that are visited or passed through by lower-income residents.

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